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Why I'm No Longer.png

For beginners / accessible autobiography / specific to the UK / anti-blackness / gender / historical roots of racism / for aspiring white allies / whiteness / effective anti-racism


Accessible autobiography / specific to the UK / anti-blackness / gender / historical roots of racism / hidden histories / for educators / whiteness  in academia and journalism  

Not about the burqa.png

Accessible essays / for beginners/ specific to the UK / anti-Muslim racism / gender / intersectionality / counter-narratives / multiple perspectives of Muslim female identity 

Inglorious Empire.png

Academic research / specific to the UK and South Asia / historical roots of racism / British colonisation of India / state violence / hidden histories


Accessible research and story-telling / specific to the UK with international research / historical and roots of racism in science / racism in scientific research / construction of race

I Will Not Be Erased.png

Accessible essays / specific to the UK / intersectionality / counter-narratives / multiple perspectives of women of colour and non-binary people 

Black Skin White Masks.png

Academic research / psychological impacts of colonialism and racism / historical roots of internalised racism / specific to French colonialism and applicable to Britain / whiteness

It Wisnae Us.png

Academic research / Scottish role in colonialism and slavery / historical roots of racism / hidden histories of Glasgow's wealth 

Slay in Your Lane.png

Accessible autobiographies / specific to the UK / intersectionality / counter-narratives / Black British feminism / survival and resistance

Redefining Realness.png

Accessible autobiography / specific to the US / LGBTQ+ identities / intersectionality / transwoman of colour counter-narrative / survival and resistance

Empire Museum.png

Accessible virtual museum / blog / specific to Scotland / hidden histories / the historical roots of racism / legacies of Empire 

White Fragility.png

Accessible research / specific to the US and applicable to the UK / white fragility / whiteness / white supremacy silencing People of Colour /for aspiring white allies

Guide to Allyship.png

Accessible blog / effective anti-racism / for aspiring allies / constructive advice for beginners / intersectionality

On Decoloniality.jpg

Academic research / decoloniality / decolonising the curriculum / effective anti-racism / intersectionality

Wretched of the Earth.jpg

Academic research / psychological impacts of imperialism / language / mental health / effective anti-racism / decoloniality

Critical Race Theory.jpg

Academic research / for educators / for aspiring allies / Critical Race Theory / effective anti-racism 

Natives - Akala.png

For beginners / accessible autobiography / specific to the UK / anti-blackness / masculinity / class / historical roots of racism / for aspiring white allies / whiteness 

No Problem Here.png

Academic research / specific to Scotland / historical roots of racism / migration / institutional racism / Scottish slavery / contemporary racism

Good Immigrant.png

Accessible essays / for beginners / specific to the UK / intersectionality / migration / counter-narratives / multiple perspectives of racism and identity 

Black Star.png

Accessible research / specific to the UK / British South Asian resistance and identities / hidden histories / anti-imperialism / class / political blackness

Fly Girls.png

Accessible essays / specific to the UK / whiteness / intersectionality / counter-narratives / multiple perspectives of women of colour in academia / decolonising education

Heart of The Race.png

Accessible research / specific to the UK / Black British women's lives / hidden histories / Black feminism

Racial Contract.png

Academic research / European colonialism and racism / historical roots of racism / psychology / whiteness / white supremacy / racial violence

Imperial Reckoning.png

Academic research / British imperialism / historical roots of racism / hidden histories of Britain's Gulag in Kenya / Mau Mau rebellion

Me and White Supremacy.png

Accessible / specific to the West / whiteness / white supremacy / white fragility / for aspiring allies / effective anti-racism for white readers 

Think Life a White Man.png

Accessible / specific to the UK / whiteness / satirical self-help / strategies for survival in the context of white supremacy / counter-narratives 


Independent British online magazine / by Women of Colour and non-binary People of Colour / accessible news and social commentary / contemporary racism in the UK and beyond

Race Talk.png

Accessible research / specific to the US and applicable to the UK / white fragility / whiteness / white supremacy silencing People of Colour / racial dialogue

Pedagogy of the Oppressed.jpg

Foundational text of critical pedagogy / decoloniality / effective anti-racism / for educators / intersectionality

Decolonising the Mind.jpg

Collection of essays / decoloniality from a Kenyan perspective / language, culture and identity / effective anti-racism / anti-imperialism

Doing Critical Literacy.jpg

Academic research / for educators /  critical literacy / language / effective anti-racism 

Beyond the Big House.jpg

Academic research / memoir / for educators / counter-narratives / African American experiences / Critical Race Theory 

White Privilege.png

Academic research / specific to the UK / whiteness / privilege / fluidity of race/ Gypsy-Traveller / structural inequalities / gender / education / employment 

The Fire Now.png

Academic research / activist voices / specific to UK with comparisons to the US / whiteness / anti-racism / anti-blackness / queerness / contemporary racism / intersectionality

Colour of Madness.png

Accessible essays, art and poetry / specific to the UK / intersectionality / migration / counter-narratives / multiple perspectives on racism and mental health

Black and British.png

Accessible research / specific to the UK / Black British identities and resistance / hidden histories / anti-blackness / class / imperialism 

To Exist is to Resist.png

Accessible essays / specific to Europe (with Scottish and UK voices) / Black feminism / Afrofeminism / intersectionality / counter-narratives 

There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack.p

Academic research / specific to the UK / historical roots of racism / British race relations / state violence / hidden histories


Academic research / European imperialism and racism / historical roots of racism / Orientalism / whiteness / white gaze / power / the exotic other

Olaudah Equiano.png

Autobiography / specific to the UK / historical roots of racism / hidden history told from the perspective of a Black enslaved person 

Insurgent Empire.png

Academic research / specific to British imperialism / hidden histories of resistance across the globe / forgotten legacies of resistance

Masters Tools.png

Accessible essays and poetry / specific to the US / Black feminism / queerness / resisting white supremacy / counter-narratives 

Migration Story.png

Accessible virtual museum / blog and teaching resources / specific to the UK / hidden histories / the historical roots of racism / migration 

How to Disagree.png

Accessible research / specific to the UK / freedom of speech / racial dialogue / productive debates on challenging topics

Teaching to Transgress.jpg

Accessible series of essays / educating for liberation / intersectionality / effective anti-racism / for educators


Semi-autobiography / Chicano and Latino experience / mestiza and racial identities / colonialism / gender / LGBT+ identities / intersectionality

Teacher Education for Diversity.jpg

Academic research / for educators /  teacher education / marginalised identities / intersectionality / effective anti-racism 

Black British Intellectuals.jpg

Academic research / specific to the UK / Political Blackness / Critical Race Theory / counter-narratives / effective anti-racism 


Postcolonial Banter.png

Accessible anthology / specific to UK / British Asian identities / decolonising literature and knowledge / anti-Muslim racism / patriarchy / state violence

Bayonets, Mangoes and Beads.png

Accessible anthology / specific to UK / African diaspora and soldiers / World War poetry / counter-narratives / hidden stories 

Over the Moon.png

Poetry anthology / specific to the UK / British Asian identity / religious identities / counter-narratives / childhood of colour

Striving for Equality and Justice.png

Accessible anthology / specific to UK / Black British feminism / Black Lives Matter / decolonising knowledge / patriarchy / state violence / resistance / hidden histories

Adoption Papers.png

 Poetry anthology / specific to Scotland / Black and White identities / migration / class / sexuality / counter-narratives

The Terrorist at my table.png

Poetry anthology / specific to the UK / British Asian identity / anti-Muslim racism / intersectionality / counter-narratives / home for the diaspora 

Out of Bounds.png

Accessible anthology / specific to UK / multiple British Poets of Colour / decolonising literature / counter-narratives / resistance / hidden histories


 Poetry anthology / specific to Scotland / multiple perspectives / Black Scottish identity / inter-generational stories and trauma / counter-narratives

Finding Sea Glass .png

 Poetry anthology / specific to Scotland / mixed race identities / Scottish identities / belonging / contemporary racism / counter-narratives

Let Me Tell You This.jpg

 Poetry anthology / specific to Scotland / race-based and gender-based violence / womanhood / healing / contemporary racism / counter-narratives


Girl Woman Other.png

Novel in verse / specific to UK / Black LGBTQ+ identities / Black feminism / intersectionality / multiple perspectives / counter-narratives


Novel / specific to UK / contemporary Black woman's life  / Black feminism / class / mental health / counter-narratives

Sea of Poppies.png

Novel with multiple perspectives / specific to South Asian and British imperialism / Opium Wars and trade / historical roots of racism / counter-narratives / hidden histories

Noughts and Crosses.jpg

Novel series / set in a dystopian London / reflection of contemporary racism / dramatised series / counter-narratives / young adult fiction 


Novel / specific to Southern Africa / legacy of imperialism / historical roots of racism / classism / counter-narratives 

Small Island.png

Novel with multiple perspectives / specific to UK / Windrush generation / Jamaica / historical roots of racism / counter-narratives / hidden histories

God of Small Things.png

Novel / specific to India with characters from Britain / legacy of British colonisation / historical roots of racism / colourism / colonial mentality and resistance 

Midnight's Children.jpg

Novel / specific to South Asia / legacy of British imperialism / historical roots of racism / counter-narratives / hidden histories

American Born Chinese.jpg

Graphic novel / specific to the US / Chinese diaspora / contemporary Sinophobia / counter-narratives / children's literature

A Grain of Wheat.jpg

Novel / specific to Kenya / legacy of British imperialism / historical roots of racism / counter-narratives / hidden histories

Freedom Bound.png

Graphic novel / specific to Scotland / hidden stories of enslaved people / historical roots of racism / counter-narratives 


Novel / specific to Nigeria and the US / historical roots of contemporary racism / colourism / texturism / colonial mentality and resistance 

Purple Hibiscus.jpg

Novel / specific to Nigeria / legacy of imperialism / religious identities / domestic abuse / counter-narratives 


Graphic memoir / specific to Iran / religious identities / class / gender / child trauma / counter-narratives / displacement and diaspora

The Hate U Give.jpg

Young adult novel / specific to the US / contemporary racism / class / / counter-narratives / Black Lives Matter

The Lonely Londoners.jpg

Novel / specific to the UK / Windrush generation / historical roots of racism / counter-narratives / hidden histories

Much more to come!

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